This is an invitation to all the Phoenicians’ Route members, to became co-creator of the community project #InTransito 2nd Edition.
“Traveling in Italy and Europe in a sustainable, creative and inclusive way “. This is the theme of the second edition of the #InTransito project – creative experiences, which will take place from 6 to 12 December 2021 in the Tiburtina Rail Station in Rome.
The program of the initiative, organized by the Assocation M.Th.I., member of the Phoenicians’ Route, will present various free activities aimed at adults and children to share and to interact in a participatory program through the use of different creative languages (digital and face-to-face) on the travel experience in its many dimensions and possibilities.
We invites you to share your / their travel experiences as “sustainable travelers”.
How? Just send a video of 1 minute max (recorded on mobile phone) in which you tell your travel idea and / or describe the places of your sustainable travels. You can both tell in first person and interview other people on the theme of sustainable travel. The contributions received will co-influence on an interactive wall in the Tiburtina Rail Station as evidence of a new vision of traveling in Italy and Europe; the digital social wall will be available to the public on the #InTransito website too.
The project is promoted by Roma Culture and included in the EYR2021 (European Year of Railways).
Link to the call in Italian/ English: https://www.