The Phoenicians’ Route at the World Travel Market in London, November 7-9

At the 2016 edition of World Travel Market, there will also be the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe and World Tourism Organization.

From Monday 7 until 9 November will be held in London one of the world’s most important appointments for tour operators with its 50,000 participants from 182 countries and more than 100,000 visitors.

Monday, November 7, starting at 16.00, the director of the Phoenicians’ Route dr. Antonio Barone will participate in a workshop dedicated to cultural routes and will premier three tourist routes along the Phoenicians’ Route which were developed in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization, the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Tourism of Lebanon. The discussion will be moderated by Ms. Anita Mendiratta, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General of UNWTO, Founder and Managing Director of Cachet Consulting. About 70 representatives from tourism ministries, tourism destination and heritage management organizations, tour operators and other international organizations are expected to participate in the presentation and workshop.

Presentation and Workshop of the Cultural Route Tourism Itineraries
16:00-18:00 pm, Monday 7 November 2016
South Gallery room 9, WTM, London, UK

Agenda of the Meeting

  1. Welcome and opening remarks
  • Mr. TalebRifai, UNWTO Secretary-General
  • Mr. Stefano Dominioni, Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes (EICR) and Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
  • H. E. Mr. Michel Pharaon, Minister of Tourism of Lebanon
  1. Introduction of the proceedings by Ms. Anita Mendiratta
  1. Presentation of 3 Pilot Tourism Itineraries by Antonio Barone, Director of The Phoenicians’ Route
  • Itinerary 1: The Origin (Lebanon, Greece, Cyprus)
  • Itinerary 2: The Punics and the sea (Italy, Malta, Tunisia)
  • Itinerary 3: The Expansion (France, Spain)
  1. Open Discussion moderated by Ms. Anita Mendiratta
  1. Session wrap up and conclusions


The objectives of the event are to raise awareness of the opportunities and potential of the Council of Europe certified Phoenicians’ Cultural Route and its tourism itineraries, as well as to encourage attendees to connect and discuss possible joint activities and partnerships. Additionally, the event will be an excellent platform and unique opportunity for tourism stakeholders, particularly tour operators to present and share their views, experiences and good practices in developing itineraries and strategies in a more innovative and creative manner.

For more information about the fair please visit the official site: