The Phoenicians’ Route at the 9th INTERNATIONAL HISTORIC CITIES CONGRESS, Solin – March, 30th

The Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe will be presented at the 9th INTERNATIONAL HISTORIC CITIES CONGRESS as a best practice of ‘destination development strategy’.

The Congress is a project organized by the Tourist Board of the City of Solin, member of the Phoenicians’ Route, Hotel President Solin and the City of Solin

This is the first such project in Croatia, under the motto “Meet, share & build” which aims to encourage meetings (“Meet” concept) of leading people in tourism and archeology of historic cities, exchange of experiences in terms of their promotion in domestic and international tourism. market (“Share” concept) as well as the development of new tourism products and arrangements by joint engagement of leading people in destination tourism (“Build” concept).

The theme of the Congress is the protection and interpretation of historical attractions and sites in historic cities throughout Croatia through “benchmarking” with cities from abroad. The historical periods presented include the period from Prehistory to the Middle Ages. The goal is to present the historical cities of Croatia and abroad from different historical periods with an emphasis on destination management, ie creative and interpretive presentation of historical sites.

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