January, 12th – Libertas.hr
ArhKonTur Final Conference
January, 20th – Coe.int
Croatia: Closing conference of ArhKonTur project
February, 9th – PiazzaSalento
”Fondi comunitari e sviluppo locale: il Gal Capo di Leuca segue la “Rotta dei Fenici”
February, 10th – ilGallo
Nel Capo di Leuca con la Rotta dei Fenici
February, 10th – GeoNews
Nel Capo di Leuca con la Rotta dei Fenici
January, 14th – El Observador
Linares se convertirá en la ‘capital Fenicia’ de España
Brochure on 11 Council of Europe cultural routes that pass through Croatia
August, 10th – Gradonacelnik.hr
Poreč is the first Croatian city in the Phoenicians’ Route
January, 14th – Ibleinews
Palazzolo, turismo e nuovi itinerari nella Sicilia orientale: si presenta il progetto europeo Trames
January, 16th – Palazzoloacreide.italiani.it
Trames, si presenta a Palazzolo il progetto turistico
February, 4th – Radio Una Voce vicina inblu
Palazzolo Acreide, workshop di presentazione del progetto TRAMES/La Rotta dei Fenici
February, 26th – Ansa.it
Sicilia al centro Mediterraneo con Via Selinuntina
March, 3rd – Guidasicilia
Attraversare il Mediterraneo percorrendo la “Via Selinuntina”
June, 4th – Ansa.it
Turismo: Rotta dei Fenici tra America, Europa e Mediterraneo
June, 4th – Gazzetta del Sud
Rotta dei Fenici tra America, Europa e Mediterraneo: accordo OITS-ISTO
June, 9th – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
Turismo: accordo tra Rotta dei Fenici e America
July, 15th – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
Turismo responsabile, incontro al Momentum
August, 26th – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
Accordo tra La Rotta dei Fenici, Comune e Pro Loco di Menfi per rilanciare il territorio
August, 27th – Teleradiosciacca.it
A Menfi firmato l’Accordo di valorizzazione turistico culturale tra la Rotta dei Fenici, Comune e la locale Pro Loco
August, 28th – Travelnostop
Accordo tra Rotta dei Fenici e Menfi per investire su giovani e nuove iniziative
August, 29th – Quotidiano di Sicilia
Menfi è sulla Rotta dei Fenici per valorizzare giovani e turismo
September, 28th – Sicilian Post
Creativi e sostenibili: la Rotta dei Fenici e le nuove frontiere degli itinerari in Sicilia
October, 9th – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
“Archeologia Ritrovata” dalle Cave di Cusa a Selinunte
October, 12th – Giornale di Sicilia
Cala il sipario sulle Giornate nazionali di Archeologia ritrovata in Sicilia
October, 15th – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
Turismo sostenibile e responsabile, evento CROSSDEV al Momentum di Selinunte
October, 17th – Sicilian Post
Tesori dimenticati di Sicilia alla ribalta grazie al progetto “Archeologia Ritrovata”
October, 22nd – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
Turismo e Covid19, a Selinunte incontro del progetto Trames
February, 6th – eKorinthos.gr
Ο δρομος των Φοινίκων περνά από την Κορινθία
February, 6th – Korinthostv.gr
Συζήτηση για συνεργασία στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος «Δίκτυο των δρόμων των Φοινίκων»
Agreement signed to promote less-known tourist destinations
June, 28th – travelvesti.ru
The Phoenicians’ Route – an immersion in Mediterranean romanticism
January, 17th – Murcia.com
El museo “Antonio Paredes” y el patrimonio centrarán la presencia de Mazarrón en FITUR 2020
January, 18th – www.dipcas.es
La provincia se adhiere a la Ruta de los Fenicios
January, 23rd – Xornal Galiciasur Pontevedra
As rutas fenicias en barco polas rías de Vigo, Arousa e Pontevedra impulsadas pola Xunta estrearán en 2020 itinerarios a vela de ata seis días
January, 25th – Faro de Vigo
Las rutas fenicias navegarán por la Ría de Arousa
January, 28th – Masmar.com
Las nuevas rutas náuticas del destino Rías Baixas – Alto Minho marcaron presencia en FITUR 2020
February, 3rd – Mazarron.es
El Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón y la Asociación “Ruta de los Fenicios” afianzan sus lazos en FITUR 2020
February, 4th – Newseuropa.es
El ayuntamiento de Mazarrón y la asociación «Ruta de los Fenicios» afianzan sus lazos en Fitur 2020
February, 18th – Andalucía Travel Bloggers
Colaboración con la Ruta de los Fenicios
February, 19th – IDEAL BAZA
Galera se convierte en la «Capital Fenicia»
February, 21st – Aganplus.org
Galicia referencia de smartways en la IV Asamblea de la Red Española de la Ruta de los Fenicios
February, 21st – CTA Cartagena Actualidad
Cartagena, en la IV Asamblea de la Red Española de la Ruta de los Fenicios
February, 23rd – Expreso Diario de Viaje y Turismo
Galicia, referencia de smartways en la IV Asamblea de la Ruta de los Fenicios
February, 26th – LA VERDAD
Mazarrón apuesta por la Ruta de los Fenicios
February, 27th – AlmeriaIsDifferent
Cuevas lleva su riqueza arqueológica a las IV Jornadas de la Ruta de los Fenicios
February, 27th – CuevasMagazine
Cuevas presenta sus riquezas arqueológicas en las IV Jornadas de la Red Española de la Ruta de los Fenicios
February, 29th – NoticiasdeAlmeria.com
IV Jornadas de la Red Española de la Ruta de los Fenicios en Cuevas
March, 10th – Elperiodic.com
Crevillent se adhiere a la Asociación Red española Ruta de los Fenicios
October, 9th – Axarquiaplus.es
Vélez-Málaga ya forma parte de la ‘Red Española Ruta de los Fenicios’
January – PleinAir
PleinAir Smart Tour dal Salento a Ragusa
March 10th – Corriere Adriatico
Una super vetrina per i Comuni e le associazioni. Incontri, itinerari e tanta promozione. Ci sarà un focus sulla “Rotta dei Fenici”
March 13th – Cronachefermane.it
La “Rotta dei Fenici”, Fermo e Porto San Giorgio insieme nella rete degli itinerari culturali
March 16th – Castelvetranoselinunte.it
Studenti di Cortona a Castelvetrano sulla Rotta dei Fenici
March 28th – La Nazione Cronaca di Arezzo
Gli studenti sulla Rotta dei Fenici. Esperienza didattica al “Signorelli”
January 10th – NNA
January 10th – MTV Web Article
January 10th – Alliwaa
January 10th – El Shark
January 10th – Daily Star
January 10th – Al Kalima Online
January 10th – Al Intichar
January 10th – Al Markazi
January 10th – Akhbar Al Yawm
January 10th – Al Jarida News
January 10th – Carlos Charles
January 10th – Zahle Today
January 10th – Lebanese Forces
January 10th –MTV Web Article
January 10th – Ferial Magazine
January 11th – Daily Star
January 11th – NNA
January 11th – Al Mustaqbal
January 11th – Alliwaa
January 11th – Al Mustaqbal
January 11th – Daily Star
January 11th – Lebanon Files
January 11th – Ahrar News
January 11th – Hona Saida
January 11th – Lebanon 2day
January 11th – Saidanet
January 11th – Tripoli Scope
January 11th – DNN
January 11th – Al Hadeel
January 11th – South LB
January 11th – 14March
January 11th – ZNN
January 11th – Saidonian News
January 11th – Saida Gate
January 11th – Janoubiyat
January 11th – NNA
January 11th – NNA
January 11th – MTV Web Article
January 11th – Ferial Magazine
January 11th – Al Kalima Online
January 11th – Lebanon Files
January 11th – El Nashra
January 11th – DNN
January 11th – IM Lebanon
January 11th – Tripoli Scope
January 11th – Carlos Charles
January 11th – DNN
January 11th – Lobnan
January 12th – Wadi Press
January 13th – Jadeedouna
January 14th – Kataeb
January 14th – Libnan News (French)
January 14th – Saida Alyawm
January 16th – Alliwaa
March 22nd – MaltaToday
Shining a light on the inter-connected Mediterranean
March 25th – Times of Malta
Mediterranean routes through intercultural dialogue
March 25th – What’s on Malta
ROTOT: Mediterranean Routes through Intercultural Dialogue
March 26th – Times of Malta
Mediterranean routes through intercultural dialogue
January 21st – Europa press
La ruta marítima de los fenicios y el turismo submarino, entre las novedades de Galicia en Fitur
January 21st – Galiciaè o Diario Galego
Galicia levará a ruta marítima dos fenicios e o turismo submarino a Fitur
January 21st – Metropolitano
Rutas de buceo, festivales y cultura: estas son las bazas de Galicia para asaltar Fitur
January 21st – Murcia.com
Mazarrón mostrará en FITUR el potencial de su oferta turística para 2019
January 22nd – La Opinión A Coruña
Submarinismo y rutas fenicias en minicruceros, las novedades de Galicia en Fitur
January 23rd – Xunta de Galicia
La Xunta participa en Fitur en la presentación de la ‘Smart Way’ que explora ‘La Ruta de los Fenicios en el Atlántico’
January 23rd – Galici@PRESS
Galicia promociona una ruta a través de los restos fenicios en la Comunidad
January 23rd – Extradigital.es
Galicia se presenta como un destino que innova y se especializa en Fitur 2019
January 24th – Galicia en el Mundo
La Xunta participa en Fitur en la presentación de la ‘Smart Way’ que explora ‘La Ruta de los Fenicios en el Atlántico’
January 24th – El Economico
Sagunto despliega todos sus encantos turísticos en Fitur 2019
September 4th – Libertas
XI Euro-Mediterranean Inter-Cultural Dialogue “The Phoenicians’ Route”
October 10th – Presscut
XI Euro-Mediterranean Inter-Cultural Dialogue “The Phoenicians’ Route”
January 2018 – L’Eco di Bergamo and GIST
Lebanon, great treasures on the Phoenicians’ Route. A UNESCO World Heritage escaped the ISIS
by Emanuele Roncalli
February 17th – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
High school students of Castelvetrano for the enhancement of the territory with the project “All Tourist”
March – Ulisse Alitalia’s board magazine
On the Phoenicians’ Route. In the capital of Lebanon, a crossroads of civilization, and in Cagliari, a city with a thousand-year history. Connected by the same sea
April 22nd – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
From Marseille to Castelvetrano following the Phoenicians’ Route
May 11th – Movimentoeuropeo.it
Cortona “Ancient Mediterranean Days”
June 11th – Letruria.it
Cortona – Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue: Iberians and Etruscans in the ancient Mediterranean
June 22nd – Greenreport.it
SEIF Sea Essence International Festival
October 15th – LecceOggi.com
Otranto in the Phoenicians’ Route
October 17th – Comune.Otranto.le.it
“The Phoenicians’ Route”. A meeting at the Castle to understand more and plan future actions
October 26th – AcquadellElba.com
The Essence of History: Acqua dell’Elba and the Phoenicians’ Route
November 15th – L’Etruria
Cortona Malta 4.0
November 27th – CorriereSalentino.it
Feeling more Europeans traveling.
The cultural exchanges of Bringht Side and the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Projects.
March 21st – Cultural Policy
The Phoenician Route in the Mediterranean
January 12th – El Económico
Sagunto renueva su imagen para FITUR
January 21st – Ideal.es
La Ruta de los Fenicios se promociona en Fitur
March 26th – El Almanaque
La Ruta de los Fenicios – El Camino de Aníbal
October 24th – Sagunt.es
Sagunto presentará mañana en Elche el proyecto para obtener el Sello de Patrimonio Europeo
November 17th – Xornal Galicia
O Pazo Provincial de Pontevedra asumirá a Ruta dos Fenicios tamén denominada Ruta das Kassiterides
November 22nd – Deputación de Pontevedra
La Diputación de Pontevedra acoge la Asamblea Estatal de la Ruta de Os Fenicios
November 22nd – Diario de Pontevedra
Pontevedra acoge una exposición divulgativa sobre la Ruta de los Fenicios
November 22nd – Faro de Vigo
La Diputación acoge la asamblea estatal de la Ruta de los Fenicios
November 22nd – Canal 7 Rías Baixas
A Ruta dos Fenicios dase a coñecer no Pazo Provincial
November 24th – Xunta de Galicia
A Xunta propón aos responsables da Ruta dos Fenicios crear un itinerario náutico polos seus principais enclaves en Galicia
November 26th – Cadena Ser
Santo Tomé y Baecula en la Asamblea Estatal de la Ruta de los Fenicios en Pontevedra
January 13th – Quotidiano di Sicilia
Cultural tours to discover Sicily
by Isabella di Bartolo
January 18th – Travelnostop
The Phoenicians’ Route involved in the International Sustainable Tourism Year
April 18th – Latitudinex
Beirut risen from its ruins, elegance, luxury and sobriety
by Maria Luisa Bruschetini
May 8th – Dove Viaggi
In Lebanon, on the tracks of the Phoenicians
by Enrico Saravalle
May 16th – Canale189.it
Otranto in the Phoenicians’ Route
by Marcella d’Addato
May 16th – CorriereSalentino.it
Otranto in the “Phoenicians’ Route”
May 26th – Latitudinex
Lebanon to live in the footsteps of the Phoenicians between valleys, sea and archaeological sites
by Maria Luisa Bruschetini
June – Bell’Italia
Archaeological sites and beaches on the Phoenicians’ Route
by Federica Botta
July 12th – Latitudinex
Great success for the Ancient Mediterranean Days
by Maria Luisa Bruschetini
July 26th – Giornale di Sicilia
By car on the Phoenicians’ Route
October 9th – Radio Popolare
Special Cultural Routes of Europe
October 11th – PleinAir
Pleinair tourism and cultural routes, a natural combination
October 13th – L’Etruria.it
Cortona present at the X Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue “From Lebanon to Spain, following the Phoenicians Route”
October 22nd – Rai
On the Phoenicians’ Route with Osvaldo Bevilacqua – 1st part
October 22nd – Rai
On the Phoenicians’ Route with Osvaldo Bevilacqua – 2nd part
December 1st – PleinAir
The new frontiers of tourism along the Phoenicians’ Route
by Enza Moscaritolo
December 14th – Capitale Cultura
Inaugurated in Crotone the exhibition “Hannibal. The end of a journey”
December 15th – Corriere Elbano
The “Phoenicians’ Route” passes through the Tuscan Archipelago
February 9th – Diarojaen.es
Proyecto europeo para formar a técnicos en turismo social
March 21st – El Mundo
La Ruta de los Fenicios en España promociona la historia de Castellón
April 16th – Diario de Almería
Que vuelvan los fenicios
October 10th – UJA Universidad de Jaén Diario Digital
La Asamblea General sobre La Ruta de los Fenicios establece los pasos a seguir para la transferencia del conocimiento sobre las culturas antiguas del Mediterráneo
November 1st – Melilla Hoy
Melilla podría ser sede de reuniones internacionales de la Ruta de los Fenicios y de la Seda
November 6th – Xunta de Galicia
Nava Castro anima aos itinerarios culturais europeos en Galicia a aproveitar o seu potencial turístico con iniciativas conxuntas
November 9th – Mengíbar Noticias
Conferencias sobre el proyecto Iliturgi y Mengíbar en la Ruta de Los Fenicios
November 28th – Diario de Ibiza
Ibiza acoge esta semana la Asamblea de la Ruta de los Fenicios
November 30th – Metropolitano
La Diputación de Pontevedra promocionará la “Ruta de los Fenicios” en la fachada atlántica
December 1st – Diario de Ibiza
Más que una ruta arqueológica es un recorrido de diálogo intercultural
December 1st – Diario de Pontevedra
Pontevedra liderará ‘La Ruta de los Fenicios’ en la fachada atlántica
December 2nd – La Vanguardia
Melilla defiende su papel en la Ruta de los Fenicios durante un encuentro celebrado en Ibiza
December 4th – Turismo Rías Baixas
Pontevedra lidera La Ruta de los Fenicios en Galicia
December 11th – DiarioJaén.es
Mengíbar “vende” su legado como ciudad de los fenicios
July 5th – FranceSoir
Les itinéraires culturels européens: un mélange de culture et de citoyenneté
January 22nd – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
The World Tourism Organization promotes the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural and Tourist Route
March 26th – Il Viaggiatore Magazine
The Phoenicians’ Route
by Francesca Acerboni
October 17th – Arezzo Ora
Cortona official member of the Phoenicians’ Route / Etruscan Network
December 2nd – GuidaViaggi.it
The Phoenicians’ Route becomes tourism
December 9th – CastelvetranoSelinunte.it
Sicily without borders is along the “Phoenicians’ Route”
by Isabella di Bartolo
December 15th – Latitudinex
The Phoenicians’ Route, cultural routes across the Mediterranean
by Maria Luisa Bruschetini
December 23rd – Archeosicilia.blogspot.it
From Goethe to the Mediterranean diet, 5 trips to (re)discover Sicily
by Isabella di Bartolo
May 31st – L’Orient-Le Jour
Pharaon : La Route des Phéniciens parmi les priorités de l’OMT
January 21st – Linares28.es
La Ruta de los Fenicios, con parada en Cástulo, se promociona en Fitur 2016
November 3rd – UJA Universidad de Jaén Diario Digital
El municipio de Mengíbar se une a la Red Española de la Ruta de los Fenicios
November 8th – Media UNWTO
La Organización Mundial del Turismo presenta la Ruta de los Fenicios en World Travel Market
December 1st – Melillamedia.es
Melilla rubrica su adhesión a la Ruta de los Fenicios para recuperar el espíritu de comercio y colaboración
December 1st – Turismo Linares
Cástulo, en la Ruta de los Fenicios
December 21st – Radio Granada
La localidad queda incluida en la Ruta de los Fenicios
December 22nd – Baza.ideal.es
Galera se une a la Ruta de los Fenicios