The Phoenicians’ Route opens an Official Library in Castelvetrano – Sicily

For the first time in Europe The Phoenicians’ Route opens an Official Library, that is a Bookstore – Library, dedicated to the Route and the other 44 Cultural Routes certified by the Council of Europe as part of the homonymous Programme.

The initiative i developed thanks in collaboration with the Mondadori Point of Castelvetrano (TP – Sicily), located in the city center, in Piazza Carlo d’Aragona. The aim of the initiative is to promote the theme of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe through publications dedicated to all of them and, in particular, to the Phoenicians’ Route, which deals with the theme of Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue and the legacy of Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations still influencing the contemporary Euro-Mediterranean society.

Starting from their common origins, linked to the ancient civilizations living between the 12th century BC. and the Roman Empire, the current inhabitants of the various countries facing the Mediterranean can find models and tools for sustainable development, sharing ideals of peace and dialogue. The Official Library will be enriched with publications from all certified Cultural Routes wishing to join the initiative and from the Council of Europe as well: promotional materials and publications on the themes addressed by the Routes will be available.

In this way, the Official Library will also act as an International Documentation Center on the themes of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe for students and all other interested people.

It is the first time in Europe that such a place has been created apart from, of course, the documentation center at the European Institute of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg.

Together with the Phoenicians’ Route, the Official Library will offer activities and initiatives dedicated to the promotion of reading, aimed at interested schools and universities.