
The Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe – established in 2014, the Mediterranean MUseum NETwork (ME.MU.NET) in order to enhance Mediterranean Tangible and Intangible Heritage. The General Assembly of the Route, that be held in Jaén in October 2017, has confirmed the Network and has promoted the strenghtening.

The Museums, Cultural sites and visits, interpretation and educational centers can join the Network only if work on at least one of the following three themes:

  • The archaeological and cultural heritage of the Mediterranean
  • The Mediterranean Sea
  • Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean

The Museum Network has the following aims:

  • Promote a coordinated information service on networked members and the activities they promoted, coordinating and disseminating in the territory the calendar of cultural events, exhibitions and temporary initiatives and providing for the creation of an information website;
  • Address all Network Adhering Institutions to share appropriate models for quality and typology about performance and services, so as to favor the overall growth of the museum offer and to enhance the existing heritage in individual museums;
  • Create and promote itineraries involving museums, territories, and communities, enhancing the historical, archaeological, artistic, and naturalistic heritage also promoting the creation of thematic subnetworks;
  • Organize professional updating courses for museum staff (role and volunteers);
  • Sharing services and rationalizing resources in the field of museum teaching.

The Museum Network will be managed by the International Direction Bureau of the Route.

To begin members and join the network the cultural entities interested can fill the template and send it to



Verification and acceptance
Museums belonging to the Network will be able to use the logo of the Phoenicians’ Route and the license plate of the Me.Mu.Net Network.

Thanks to the data collected by the application form, a brief presentation of the Museum will be elaborated and included in the dedicated section of the website