Meeting-seminar on funding for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Luxembourg

The representatives of the 32 certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and Member States representatives will meet at the European Institute of Cultural Routes in Luxembourg on 22 and 23 September 2016 at the occasion of a seminar dedicated to funding.

The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe represent a unique programme focusing on culture, tourism and social and economic development which contributes to the interpretation of present Europe’s diversity by means of understanding our European heritage, history and memory.

As part of a cooperation action between the Council of Europe and the European Commission (Joint Programme 2015-17), the representatives of 32 Cultural Routes from across Europe and field professionals will meet in Luxembourg in order to attend training workshops on public and private fundraising.

European programmes representatives (European Commission-DG GROW, Interreg, Creative Europe, Erasmus+/Anefore, Erasmus+ Youth/SNJ) will join the meeting to enhance cooperation opportunities between European experts and project holders to support culture and heritage, as well as European touristic attractiveness and sustainable economic development.

On the occasion of the meeting our Director Antonio Barone will have the opportunity to meet Dr . Jin Y. Woo, Adviser on Tourism and Culture of the World Tourism Organization, for a comparison about the promotion of tourist routes that are part of the Phoenicians’ Route in the Mediterranean.

For more information about the program, see the European Institute web site:
