International meeting on Cultural Heritage and Development, Madrid 27-28 November 2018

The International Meeting on Cultural Heritage and Development, organized by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID), will discuss the role of culture and cultural heritage as a key tool for cooperation in order to achieve peaceful, participatory and inclusive societies.

During two days, national and international professionals and stakeholders will reflect on how to include cultural heritage and sustainable development strategies within the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. The meeting will be held at Casa de América in Madrid (Plaza Cibeles, s / n) on 27 – 28 November 2018.

Divided into three thematic areas–with panels, round tables and a selection of success stories-, the meeting aims to foster critical reflection and debate about issues such as urbanism and sustainability, the contribution of cultural heritage to economic growth and its protection in case of armed conflicts.

By organising this International meeting on Cultural Heritage and Development, AECID -an institution under the aegis of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation- adheres to the European Year of Cultural Heritage initiative.

On behalf of the Phoenicians’ Route, the Director Dr Antonio Barone will attend the Congress as a speaker.

The programme of the Meeting is available at this link: