The Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe and new pilot project of the World Tourism Organization, will organize from 14 to 16 October 2016 in Chianciano Terme (SI), the General Assembly 2016, guests Municipal Administration of Chianciano Terme, the Archaeological Museum of Waters of Chianciano Terme and the Hotel Association.
The event, which is called IX Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue on the Phoenicians’ Route, will take place in three days.
October 14 day devoted to “The Young and the Phoenicians’ Route”. Starting from 15.30, at the Civic Archaeological Museum, we will talk about the role of volunteering in the promotion of cultural and natural heritage, and the Mediterranean Network of Schools.
The day is organized in collaboration with the tourism monthly magazine Pleinair.
October 15 day devoted to:
In the afternoon it will be held the Meeting of the Scientific Committee and the Steering Committee of the Phoenicians’ Route. Besides the presentation of the contexts in which The Phoenicians’ Routes operates currently, will present in detail the issues of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, UNESCO and the World Tourism Organization, ICOM and innovative forms of cultural, experiential and creative tourism. There will be presentations of case studies on collaboration between Mediterranean Universities and the Phoenicians’ Route. They will also elaborate the proposals to bring in the General Assembly the following day, concerning the programming of 2016-2018 activities, to new addresses for the Scientific Committee and the Steering Committee, and more on the agenda.
October 16
Starting from 9:00 a.m. at the Civic Archaeological Museum of Waters, will be held the General Assembly of the Phoenicians’ Route with the participation of delegations representing the members of the International Network Confederation. In addition to presenting the state of the route (in the context of the Council of Europe, the Core Working Group of the World Tourism Organization, the situation of the member networks, etc.) also will debate on the 2016-2018 program of activities and it will elect the President pro tempore of the 2016-2018 period.