Freedom Tourism – Santa Venerina (CT), February 3, 2017

The weekend of February 3 to 5 will see the eastern Sicily open the doors to Open Air Tourism. The meeting – organized in collaboration with the Department of Tourism of the Sicilian Region – is the first stage of the initiative promoted by the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe in collaboration with Plein Air Magazine, Caravan Manufacturers Association, Fiab, Agriturist, Assocamping Sicily and other sector organizations.

The purpose of the initiative is to help the territories to develop tourist flows to low impact, especially where does not exist a widespread network of accommodation. All within the canons of a form of experiential slow and responsible tourism, where the traveler becomes an ambassador of beauty discoveries.

Participants must write to, to verify the availability in the Campsites and in the other local agritourismos.

In conjunction with the program aimed at tourists, on the afternoon of Friday, February 3 in Santa Venerina (CT – Sicily) will be a panel discussion entitled “TOURISM IN FREEDOM. Tools and Opportunities for the development of naturalistic itineraries in Sicily“, with the participation of representatives of the Tourism Department of the Sicilian Region, the Plein Air Magazine, Camper and Manufacturers Association and of the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe.