Final meeting of the European project “THE FAB ROUTES”, Selinunte

Castelvetrano and Selinunte (Sicily) hosted the last transnational meeting – on 20 and 21 September – as part of the European project “THE FAB ROUTES: Digital Skills To Promote Eu Cultural Routes“, co-financed by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union.

The general objective of the project is to develop a new training and educational methodology aimed at enriching the knowledge and transversal skills of the staff and operators of the Cultural Routes recognized by the Council of Europe, in order to improve the management and promotion of the same in the field of sustainable and cultural tourism.

The project includes among the partners the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe and 5 other Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, in addition to the University of Bologna – Rimini Campus, leader in the sector, and to the company Argo, European consulting and International Cooperation.

The project leader is Atrium – Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th Century In Europe’s Urban Memory (Forlì, Italy).

The other Cultural Routes partners of the project are:

  • AEPJ – European Route of Jewish Heritage (Luxembourg)
  • Routes of the Olive Tree (Greece)
  • European Routes of Emperor Charles V (Spain)
  • Via Regia (Germany)

During the meeting, the project partners visited the Official Library of the Phoenicians’ Route, in Castelvetrano, at the Mondadori Library; the Interpretation Center on Oil and olive trees at Case di Latomie – Azienda Agricola Centonze, as part of the collaboration between The Phoenicians’ Route and the Olive Tree Route.


The Cultural Routes Room at Casa Planeta – Maharia in Menfi was also inaugurated, in the presence of the Mayor and numerous local organizations. On Wednesday 21 September, the delegation visited the Archaeological Park of Selinunte, Cave di Cusa and Pantelleria and met the Director Mr Felice Crescente, who illustrated the activities of the Park in collaboration with The Phoenicians’ Route and Iter Vitis  Route – the only ones two, among the 48 Cultural Routes certified by the Council of Europe, which have their headquarters in Sicily.