Festival of the Intercultural Dialogue on the Phoenicians’ Route 2018

In the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Route, an annual event in stages is launched to highlight the role of the Route in the dialogue between the different Mediterranean populations and above all the cooperation between its members and supporters. The different meetings each year will create a mosaic of exchanges, reflections, proposals on the theme of Intercultural Dialogue, faced from different points of view and in different fields, from literature to education, from culture to art, to the Mediterranean Diet, to communication, to sustainable and creative tourism, to the requests for peace and mutual respect. All this in the name of an instinctive fraternity, result of centuries of history that united the different shores of the “Sea between the Lands”, in the name of a Mediterranean koiné that the Route concretely realizes.

Here are the first three events:

July 4th – 19th, Ramadoro Festival, Elba Island, Tuscany (Italy)


August 3rd – 4th, Literature Festival Tomasi di Lampedusa, Santa Margherita di Belice, Sicily (Italy)


August 23rd – 25th, Mediterranean Literature Festival, Manoel Island, Gżira (Malta)


Discover the detailed programs on the dedicated page.