Exhibition “Annibale. The end of a Journey”, Crotone (Italy), 14 December 2017 – 31 March 2018

At the National Museum of Capo Colonna of Crotone (Italy), inaugurated the exhibition “Annibale. The end of a Journey “. A project realized by Capitale Cultura Group, in collaboration with the Magna Grecia Science and Technology Park of Crotone and Drypto-Ingenium Logic, with the scientific direction of Filli Rossi and promoted by the Phoenicians’ Route.
The exhibition tells the extraordinary adventure of Hannibal in Italy, concluded in the sanctuary of Hera Lacinia in Crotone.
The journey is narrated, with the aid of moving images, multimedia experiences and video installations, through archaeological finds, literary texts, chronicles of ancient and contemporary historians, in a rich and evocative itinerary that welcomes numerous objects from the Calabrian museums.