
The Heritage Pedagogy on the Phoenicians’ Route

EDU.NET Mediterranean schools network

In 2014 The Phoenicians’ Route, in the context of the Unesco Schools Network – MIUR Italian Ministry of Education, has promoted together with some schools a Network of Mediterranean Schools in order to create a series of exchange activities of good educational practices on the theme of identity and the enhancement of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. Among these activities, in addition to the exchange of experiences and projects via internet between teachers and contacts between students, are planned twinning and intercultural travels through which students from different areas of the Mediterranean compare each other with realities different from them but where are traces of a common cultural identity.

Every year many schools organize exchange visits to explore the genius loci of the Mediterranean.

The Education Service of the Phoenicians’ Route was established to actively transmit knowledge, respect and interest in the cultural heritage, nature and landscape of the Mediterranean, promoting interculturalism, lead to personal reflections, steer people toward behaviors and lifestyles in harmony with the natural and cultural environment of the territories that are part of the Route .The Phoenicians’ Route organizes cultural education programs for different age groups inspired by the Research-Action, the Learning by doing and other approaches of Edutainment typically involving children and young people in meaningful experiences related to the universal value of the cultural heritage. At the Education Centers of the Phoenicians’ Route, specialized groups of experts implement educational programs tailored for different users.

Through the Heritage Pedagogy we want to renew the relationship between the cultural and natural heritage, and the man of today, with particular attention to young people that this heritage receive from us as a legacy. They should be given the opportunity to know in more depth and they may renew in us that interest through their discoveries.

It is an active pedagogy, interdisciplinary founded on the heritage that, according to the communicative interpretation methodologies, talks and interacts with the visitor who obtained emotions, feelings, useful experience. It involves collaboration between schools, culture, associations and local society.

Products and activities proposed
The didactic laboratories and the discovery paths are the pedagogy activities _ heritage of the maximum duration of one day.

Some examples didactic laboratories:
The hands know“: Ceramics – The plot – Wood
An expert will explain the history, the types, techniques, the evolution of the various forms of handicrafts of the chosen topic. Then a teacher will guide the design and construction of small artifacts.

The farm“: The oil house – The House of Bread – The house wine
An expert will explain in the farm the chain which, depending on the chosen theme, from the olive, from wheat, grapes and milk, leads to the finished product, the various stages of processing, the tools, the types and quality of the typical products.

Archeotrekking“: renowned places in archaeological areas.
Trekking originally meant “to walk along the footsteps of the wagons pulled by oxen.” Today it also means walking along footpaths, bridleways and trails that wind in cultural and natural landscapes of special charm and appeal. The Archeotrekking is an experience through which archeology becomes part of the facts of cultural landscapes trails, scents, flavors, emotions.

The school camps have the duration of 3 days and a minimum of 15 participants.
The stage goes from a minimum period of 1 to a maximum of 8 weeks.

Some examples of school camps:
The man of the sea
The discovery of a mythical world, the sea, including lectures, workshops and excursions by boat, to learn about the history, archeology, fishing, and discover ancient crafts.

The profession of archaeologist – Let’s do a museum
Experiences, lessons and workshops to learn the fascinating work of the archaeologist, including simulated excavations, discoveries, restoration and management of a museum.

The writing and language
Introduction to ancient greek – sign language
To learn about ancient and new languages, including alphabets and signs, lessons and workshops to discover new languages and cultures.

In each of the centers of Pedagogy Heritage of the Route  they are proposed themed activities that provide innovative pedagogical approach methodologies that highlight the heritage and its essence through integrated communication systems differ according to the age groups. For the little ones the play is an educational system  used. For olders we pass a more rigorous approaches in the field of interpretation and motivated education.

We invite you to contact us at to receive more information, join the Network of Mediterranean Schools EDU.NET or to request a visit tailored program and intercultural travel along the Phoenicians’ Route.