Cultural Paths between past and future: an Archeology for all, Prizzi (Sicily) – December, 3rd

On Saturday December, 3rd 2022, in the Aula Magna of the I.I.S.S Institute in Prizzi, starting at 10.00, the conference entitled “Cultural paths between the past and the future: an Archeology for all“, sponsored by the Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes (DG-ERIC) of the Italian Ministry of Culture and organized by the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe will be held.
The event intends to promote a reflection on the role of archeology in the perception and construction of local identity and, at the same time, present the project “Hippana Mission. A public archeology laboratory in Prizzi”, which is intended to be launched in 2023 thanks to the virtuous collaboration between the Route, the Municipality of Prizzi (PA), the Superintendence for Cultural and Environmental Heritage of Palermo, the National Association of Archaeological Groups of Italy, the Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences (ISPC) of the CNR – National Research Council, the Italian Universities of Milan and Urbino and the Spanish Universities of Cadiz, Jaén and Valencia.
  • The first part of the conference will explore the theme of public archeology, a discipline that aims to involve local communities in research on the past and in the enhancement of cultural heritage. In fact, discovering, recovering and enhancing an archaeological site or asset does not only mean reviving the historical memory of our country. Interpreting what remains of the past can stimulate the sharing of cultures and perspectives, assume a vital social function in the present, on condition that we deal with the reference community, with the public.
  • In the second part, the Conference will explore the theme of archeology communication, declined in various sectors, to understand the cultural, social and economic benefits that communication can produce.
  • Finally, the day will make it possible to understand how the various international research teams and groups can collaborate and interact with each other for the enhancement of the site of the ancient Hippana, implementing a complex cultural operation, a participatory process of building knowledge and identity, through archaeological research in the field and research / action aimed at studying the relationship between archeology and the public, a communication capable of reaching various types of public and the involvement in the attention towards the cultural heritage of people very different by age group age and interests.

The event will be able to count on a parterre of national and international speakers of high scientific value.
