Conference on the theme: “Italian and Apulian policies on cultural routes”, Cassero del Castello Ducale – Bovino (FG), April 2nd

The Phoenicians’ Route attends the Conference “Italian and Apulian Policies on Cultural Routes” to be held Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019, from 9 am to 6 pm at the Cassero del Castello Ducale di Bovino (FG). The event is organised by the Puglia Region – Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture and Territory Valorisation in the framework of the Green Pilgrimage project, funded by the second call of the Interreg Europe program under the responsibility of the Puglia Region, which has as a strategic priority the study and analysis of regional Policies of five European regions belonging to five nations (Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Romania and Italy), with reference to sustainable tourism and cultural and natural heritage promotion as a tool to develop the territories, regarding especially the themes of paths and pilgrimages.
The project aims to analyse regional politicise in order to understand how they can influence the development of European pilgrimages, increasing the awareness in terms of benefits to cultural tourism and heritage promotion fields. The project includes exchanges and workshops on the promotion of sustainable paths, on the impacts of tourism on the roads, on best practices for territory preservation.
The main beneficiaries of the initiative are local authorities, local communities and businesses that deal with the theme of “cultural routes“.





Conference on the theme: “Italian and Apulian policies on cultural routes”
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019, from 9 am to 6 pm Cassero del Castello Ducale – Bovino (FG)

9.00 am – 9.30 am
Registration of those present
9.30 am – 10.00 am
Institutional greeting
Loredana Capone
Councillor for Tourism and Cultural Industry, Puglia Region
Vincenzo Nunno
Mayor of Bovino
Catherine Bradley
Kent County Council (UK) – Project manager Green Pilgrimage

10.30 am – 13.00 pm
“National and regional policies”
Aldo Patruno
Director of the Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture and Territory Valorisation of the Puglia Region
“The PIIIL Culture and PUGLIA365 project – Regional strategic plan for culture and tourism”
Antonio Barone
Director of “The Phoenicians’ Route”
“The Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”
Luca Bruschi
Director of the European Vie Francigene Association
“The Via Francigena project”
Paolo Ponzio
Coordinator PIIILCuturainPuglia
“The future of religious itineraries between research and tourism”
Angelofabio Attolico
Expert of the Regional Tourism Agency Puglia Promotion
“The Master Plan of the Apulian cultural routes”
Daniele Borrelli
Monti Dauni Local Action Group Director
“Promotional strategies for inland areas: the Monti Dauni experience”
Giovanni Sportelli
Expert of the Regional Tourism Agency Puglia Promotion
“Enhancing the hospitality of pilgrims in cooperation projects”

1.00 pm – 2.30 pm Lunch break

2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
“Bottom-up experiences in enhancing cultural routes”
Laura Marchetti
Professor at the University of Foggia
“The fairytale road project”
Nicola Martinelli
Professor at the Polytechnic University of Bari
“The Path of Italian Lighthouses”
Luciano Toriello
Director and artistic director of the festival “Mònde – Festival del Cinema dei Cammini”
Marcello Carrozzo
Hotel operator
“Private hospitality along the Materan Way”
Luigi Del Prete
Association “The host communities of the Routes of the Via Francigena of Southern Puglia”
“The hospitality network along the Salento Vie Francigene”

5.30 pm Closing of the Conference and conclusions by Puglia Region