The woman of the ancient Mediterranean. From past to present, a key to understanding....

The event will be broadcast live on the Facebook pages of the Phoenicians' Route - Cultural Route of the Council of Europe and of MANN - Archaeological Museum of Naples. January 29, 2022 - from...

The Phoenicians’ Route participated in the preparatory meeting for the 2022 Training Academy of...

Antonio Barone, Director and Sara Ferrari, Executive Secretary of the Phoenicians' Route attended yesterday the preparatory meeting for the 2022 Training Academy of Cultural Routes Certified by the Council of Europe, which will take...

I EUROMEDITERRANEAN – AMERICAS FORUM “Cultural Routes / Social Tourism”, Pontevedra – December 13th...

On December 13th and 14th, the I EUROMEDITERRANEAN - AMERICAS FORUM "Cultural Routes / Social Tourism" will be held in Pontevedra (Spain): an event organized by the Phoenicians' Route - Cultural Route of the...

History Digital Library: a new Interpretation Center of the Phoenicians’ Route in Brindisi (Italy)

This morning the Mayor of Brindisi, Ing Riccardo Rossi, and the Director of the Phoenicians' Route, Mr Antonio Barone, inaugurated the new plaque of the Casa del Turista (House of the Tourist). The medieval...

VI National Assembly of the Spanish Network of the Phoenicians’ Route, Linares – November...

On November 18th and 19th, the Municipality of Linares, a member of the Phoenicians' Route since 2014, will host the VI National Assembly of the Spanish Network of the Phoenicians' Route - Cultural Route...

Call Traveling in Italy and Europe in a sustainable, creative and inclusive way

This is an invitation to all the Phoenicians' Route members, to became co-creator of the community project #InTransito 2nd Edition. “Traveling in Italy and Europe in a sustainable, creative and inclusive way ". This is the...

1st Meeting of the International University Network (IUN) of the Phoenicians’ Route

On 15 and 16 October, the 1st Meeting of the International University Network (IUN) of the Phoenicians' Route took place in the city of Mazarrón - Murcia (Spain), with the presence of representatives of...

2021 Phoenicians’ Route General Assembly (online), October 29th

In the light of the current COVID-19 situation still affecting travel regulations and hosting of cultural events Europe-wide, the Secretariat of the Phoenicians' Route in consultation with the Cypriot members should like to inform...

Mazarrón will host the 1st Meeting of the International University Network (IUN) of the...

The first meeting (in presence) of the International University Network (IUN) of the Phoenicians' Route - Cultural Route of the Council of Europe, was born with the aim to consolidate the joint work between the...

International Study Congress “Prehistoric Sicily. Internal dynamics and external relations ”, Catania-Siracusa 7/9 October

The Phoenicians' Route is pleased to sponsor the International Congress of Studies "Prehistoric Sicily. Internal dynamics and external relations" organized by the University of Catania in collaboration with Archeoclub d'Italia. The event is also sponsored...

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