2017 is the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

12 months to celebrate and promote the contribution of the tourism sector to building a better world. This is the major goal of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017. The presentation of...

Greetings from The Phoenicians’ Route

Best wishes for a Happy New Year full of Serenity, Peace and Prosperity Auguri per un nuovo anno ricco di Serenità, Pace e Prosperità Los mejores deseos para un Feliz Año Nuevo lleno de Serenidad, Paz...

Presentation of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme

Europe was constructed on the basis of centuries of exchanges between people of different backgrounds and beliefs. The traces of this legacy are still present in the routes that crisscross the continent and take...

1st Meeting of the Spanish Network of the Phoenicians’ Route, Melilla

From November 30 to December 1, in the city of Melilla was held the First Meeting of the Spanish Network of the Phoenicians' Route, organized in collaboration with the Autonomous City of Melilla and...

Route of Places of Memory: Salt Pans, Tuna Fishing Centres, Towers and Sea Mines

Salt Pans,  tuna fishing centers and coastal towers in Sicily and in the Mediterranean have always been essential references to understand the close relationship between man and the sea and the suggested route leads...

The Route of Idrisi

A route which narrates in a significantly way Sicily as an island,  is the one  linked to the figure of the Arab geographer al-Idrisi, one of the greatest geographers in the history and editor...

Route of the Grand Tour: Goethe & Co.

Retracing today,  more than two centuries later, the journey made by an educated and passionate artist, searching for the remains of a classical civilization integrated in beautiful landscapes observed with curiosity, wonder and excitement...

Route of the Sea and the Ancient Mediterranean: Phoenicians and Greeks in Sicily

Throughout its history, Sicily, situated between the routes that for thousands of years have intersected  the Mediterranean, according to the language of myth used by Homer, has seen alternating periods and a lot of ...

Landscapes of the Mediterranean Diet

Sicily is certainly the ideal place to get , through aromas and flavors, the millenarian mixture of races and traditions that have influenced its history and to understand the many faces of an island...

Luis Sepúlveda and the Phoenicians’ Route – Catania, November 17, 2016

More than 700 people were enchanted by the intense words of the great Chilean writer Luis Sepúlveda, star of the final evening of the traveling exhibition "Sea Landscapes", sponsored by the Tourism, Sport and...

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