Twinning “Selinunte – Carthage”, April – May 2017

“Was the most beautiful experience of my life!”- this is one of the comments from the participants of the Twinning "Selinunte - Carthage" between the High School of Human Sciences "G. Gentile "- linguistic...

ERASMUS+ Project “AllTourist”. First meeting of the partnership in Jaén (Spain). 20-22 April

What kind of tourism for Cultural Routes? Of course there is the Social Tourism, understood as experiential, slow, responsable, accessible, promoted by communities. With the aim of analyzing in detail what it is, how it...

Cultural exchange and twinning Italy – Tunisia. April 2017

From 8 to 12 April was held the first part of a cultural exchange and twinning between the Language High School - Higher Education Institute "Cipolla - Pantaleo - Gentile" Castelvetrano (Italy), and the...

Ancient Mediterranean Days 2017. First Edition.

Starting this year, in all the territories in which the Phoenicians' Route operates, will be celebrated the Ancient Mediterranean Days. On this occasion all the Network are invited to organize events of any kind on...

Ancient Mediterranean Days. Tour in Lebanon, on the Phoenicians’ Route, 22-26 March 2017

From Lebanon start the celebrations of the Ancient Mediterranean Days with a Tour of the nation following the Phoenicians' Route. First stop the Barouk Cedar Forest, the tree symbol of the Phoenician civilization. The tour...

Kick-Off Meeting X Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue on the Phoenicians’ Route – Beirut, March 22 2017

Wednesday was held in Beirut the Kick-Off Meeting X Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue on the Phoenicians' Route, attended by Minister of Tourism H.E. Mr. Avedis Guidanian and the General Director of the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism...

March 14, 2017. Italian Landscape National Day

Promote the culture of the landscape and raise awareness on the issues and the values of the protection of territories. This is the objective of the first edition of the National Landscape Day, established...

Palermo Italian Capital of Culture 2018

“And the winner is... Palermo!”. The Sicilian capital has been named “Italian Capital of Culture 2018” The decision was made yesterday by a jury appointed by the Culture Ministry and will result in a...

Freedom Tourism – Santa Venerina (CT), February 3, 2017

The weekend of February 3 to 5 will see the eastern Sicily open the doors to Open Air Tourism. The meeting - organized in collaboration with the Department of Tourism of the Sicilian Region -...

Leonardo Da Vinci’s Ways and The Phoenicians’ Route – Vinci (Italy), 20 January 2017

On 20 and 21 January was held in Vinci (Florence-Italy) an important meeting between the Promotion Committee LEONARDO DA VINCI'S WAYS and the representatives of three Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Sami...

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