Scientific Committee

President pro tempore of the Confederation:
Prof. Giovanni Brizzi
Vice President of School of Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage
University of Bologna (Italy)
Research Interest: Roman History


Director of the Confederation:
Dott. Antonio Barone
Integrated Tourism and lifelong learning expert
Research Interest: Local development and Tourism


Coordinator of the Scientific Committee:
Prof.ssa Alessia Mariotti
Director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST)
University of Bologna, Rimini Campus (Italy)
Research Interest: Tourism Sciences


Other Members:
Prof. Arturo Ruiz Rodriguez (President of the three-year period 2013-2016)
Director of the Andalusian Center of Ibérica Archeology
University of Jaén (Spain)
Research Interest: Archeology


Prof.ssa Wided Majdoub
University of Sousse (Tunisia)
Faculty of Economical and Political Sciences
Research Interest: Economics, Marketing and Development


Prof.ssa Jocelyne Napoli
University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III (France)
Director Master II in International Management of Air Transport and Tourism (MITAT)
Laboratory EIREST, University Paris 1 Panthèon-Sorbonne
Research Interest: Air transport, Tourism impacts on Local Economy, Sustainable Tourism


Prof. Rachid Chamoun
Director, LAU – Louis Cardahi Foundation
Interim Chair, Architecture and Interior Design
Lebanese American University (Lebanon)
Partner Coordinator, LAU – Umayyad – ENPI CBC Med Programme
Lead Partner Coordinator, War-Free World Heritage Listed Cities, EU ENPI CIUDAD
Board Member, The World Association for the Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage (WATCH)
Research Interest: Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism


Each National Network will be able to create a Scientific Committee of the Network with different competencies and research areas, for example:

– Archeology and history
– Tourism sciences and local development
– Education and pedagogy
– Cultural management, culture economy, cultural policies, cultural management
– Communication and sustainable development

The members of the Scientific Committees of the Network may also be appointed to join the Trasversal Thematic Commissions to support of the work of the Scientific Committee mentioned above.