2020 International General Assembly of the Phoenicians’ Route, November 12th (online)

2020 Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue on the Phoenicians’ Route

“Starting again from the heritage to follow the Route “

Thursday 12 November
h. 10:00 – 10.10 am Welcome Address: Rachid Chamoun, President of the Phoenicians’ Route

h. 10:10 – 10.15 am Institutional greetings
Stefano Dominioni, EICR Director and EPA Executive Secretary
Barbara Toce, Vice-President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities CoE
Alessandra Priante, Director for Europe at UNWTO

h. 10:15 – 10.30 am Annual Report: Antonio Barone, Director of the Phoenicians’ Route
Land and Sea Smart Ways, Interpretation Centers and Taste Maps
New members – 2021 activity program and events – Proposal for approval and vote

h. 10.30 – 10.35 am Fab Routes Erasmus+ Project: innovative skills for Cultural Routes’ professionals
Alessia Mariotti, CAST Rimini – Bologna University
h. 10.35 – 10.45 am The University Network: an opportunity for The Phoenicians’ Route.
Paolo Ponzio, Coordinator of the International Scientific Committee
h. 10.45 – 10.55 am The Me.Mu.Net Museum Network: projects for 2020-2021
Paolo Giulierini and Marialucia Giacco – National Archaeological Museum of Naples
Eleonora Sandrelli, MeMuNet Network Coordinator
h. 10.55 – 11.00 am For an Underwater Archeology Network in the Phoenicians’ Route
Valeria Li Vigni, Superintendence of the Sea of the Sicily Region

h. 11.00 – 12.00 pm Speeches of national and transversal networks (5 minutes each)
Rachid Chamoun (Lebanon)
Elena Tanou (Cyprus)
Osama Hamdan (Palestine)
Anthi Panagiotou and Kostantinos Tziampasis (Greece)
Klodiana Çuka (Albania)
Ksenija Keča (Croatia)
Angelofabio Attolico and Antonio Barone (Italy)
Karsten Xuereb (Malta)
Ahmed Trabelsi (Tunisia)
Sandrine Modolo (France)
Arturo Ruiz Rodriguez and Manuel Peregrina (Spain)
Giovanni Ruggieri, OTIE – Tourism Observatory of European Islands
Mario Papa, Archaeological Groups of Italy

h. 12.00 – 12.10 The collaboration agreement with the Phoenicians’ Route. From the Mediterranean to the Americas
Sergio Rodrìguez, President and Veronica Gomez, Director ISTO America
h. 12.10 – 12.20 pm 2020 Melqart Award. Award ceremony
Proposal for a Phoenicians’ Route – Iter Vitis Award
Emanuela Panke, President of Iter Vitis – Les chemins de la vigne
h. 12.20 – 12.30 pm Designation of the President of the Phoenicians’ Route 2021-2022
Closing report by the Director Antonio Barone and proposals
Closing of the 2020 General Assembly

We will use the zoom platform, which we have already tested during other meetings. To confirm your participation, send an email to info@fenici.net, then we will send you the link to join the meeting.