1st Routes4U Meeting for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR)
The first Routes4U meeting for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) took place on 6 June 2018 in Venice, Italy. The meeting has been realized with the aim of contribute to identify the regional needs of the Adriatic and Ionian Region with regard to the Cultural Routes Programme in the framework of the Routes4U Project.
It will determine areas of cooperation and recommendations on regional development, social participation and cultural cooperation in the Adriatic and Ionian Region. One dedicated session has been focused on strengthening the existing Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and developing new ones.
Participants to the meeting included representatives from European Institutions, National and Regional bodies, Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe networks as well as experts and stakeholders in socio-cultural and economical fields related to the Adriatic and Ionian Region.
The event was jointly hosted by the City of Venice and the Office of the Council of Europe in Venice.
On behalf of the Phoenicians’ Route attended the meeting our Director, Dr. Antonio Barone, the Coordinator of our Scientific Committee, Prof. Alessia Mariotti, a member of our Scientific Committee, Prof. Ksenija Keča, two members of our Steering Committee, Dr. Enzo Finocchiaro and Dr. Vlasta Klaric, and Dr. Anthi Panagiotou, of the Chamber of Commerce of Xanthi, a member of our International Confederation.
Official opening by Stefano Dominioni, Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe.
Opening speech by Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General, Council of Europe.
Workshop 2: Transnational networks for cultural cooperation (Room 2) Moderator: Ols LAFE, Director of the Centre for Development of Ancient and Medieval Albanian Heritage, University Aleksandër Moisiu of Dürres, Albania. Participants discussed possibilities of cultural cooperation in the Adriatic and Ionian Region. They will formulate recommendations on how to strengthen the role of civil society in promoting heritage as basis for common identity, as highlighted by the Council of Europe Faro Convention
Our Director, Dr. Antonio Barone presented the best practices of the Phoenicians’ Route crossing EUSAIR Region.
On behalf of the Phoenicians’ Route attend the meeting our Director, Dr. Antonio Barone, the Coordinator of our Scientific Committee, Prof. Alessia Mariotti, a member of our Scientific Committee, Prof. Ksenija Keča, two members of our Steering Committee, Dr. Enzo Finocchiaro and Dr. Vlasta Klaric, Dr. Anthi Panagiotou, Xanthi Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Frano Matušić, State Secretary – Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia and Dr. Barbara Toce, Vice-President, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe.
Our Director, Dr. Antonio Barone among Hajrulla çeku, ViceMinister of Tourism and Environment Albania and Ols LAFE, Director of the Centre for Development of Ancient and Medieval Albanian Heritage, University Aleksandër Moisiu of Dürres, Albania.