Exhibition “The Phoenicians’ Route in Spain. Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”, University of Cadiz

“The Phoenicians’ Route in Spain. Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” is the title of the exhibition that opens this Friday in the courtyard of the Constitución 1812 building, organized by the Vice-Rectorate of Culture of the University of Cadiz and the Spanish Association of the Phoenicians’ Route, with financial support from the UCA’s Research and Transfer Plan. The Rector of the UCA, Francisco Piniella, together with the President of the Spanish Association of the Phoenicians’ Route, Arturo Ruiz, the Vice-Rector of Culture, José María Pérez Monguió, and the Professor of Archeology and referent of the University of Cadiz in the International University Network of the Phoenicians’ Route, Ana Mª Niveau, will preside over the inauguration of the exhibition at 10 am.

After the event, at 11.00 the round table ‘The Phoenicians’ Route in Spain’ will take place, with the participation of experts and partner organizations of the Phoenicians’ Route who will address aspects related to the Phoenician presence in the Mediterranean, with particular attention to the Iberian Peninsula. The University of Cadiz joined the Spanish Association of the Phoenicians’ Route in 2018, and at the same time it joined the IUN International University Network of the Phoenicians’ Route to date made up of 20 Italian, French, Spanish, Croatian and Lebanese Universities and Research Centers.

From 18 February to 31 March the exhibition will move to the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.