1st Meeting of the International University Network (IUN) of the Phoenicians’ Route

On 15 and 16 October, the 1st Meeting of the International University Network (IUN) of the Phoenicians’ Route took place in the city of Mazarrón – Murcia (Spain), with the presence of representatives of the 15 Universities and Research Centers of 5 Countries (Croatia, France, Italy, Lebanon and Spain) currently members of the Network and representatives of the 7 Universities of 4 countries (Italy, Malta, Spain and Palestine) that are joining the Network.

During the meeting, which was attended by politicians from the Region of Murcia and the Municipality of Mazarrón, the representatives of the Universities presented the research projects currently underway, connected to the Phoenicians’ Route.

“Hannibal and his era”, “Phoenician colonization”, “Intangible heritage”, “Innovative cultural tourism” and, of course, Mazarrón, were the topics discussed in the scheduled conferences and round tables.  (Day 1Day 2).

As part of the meeting, a plenary session of the IUN of the Phoenicians’ Route was also held, essential for defining the future lines of work of the Network.

Furthermore, Prof. Patrizia Battilani (Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism – CAST University of Bolonia) presented the FAB ROUTES project and the Model Strategy.

We are pleased to announce that the University of Urbino and the Iberian Archeology Research Institute of the University of Jaén, have proposed to organize the II Meeting of the IUN Network in the Marche Region (Italy) in 2022, as part of a joint project that they are carrying out on the Metauro Smart Way, connected to the Phoenicians’ Route.