Collaboration Agreement between The Phoenicians’ Route and the Belicina Museum and Natural Network

A Collaboration Agreement was signed in Gibellina between the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe – and the Belicina Museum and Natural Network, the Association of museums in the Belice area that together make up a very active territorial museum system.
The objectives of the Agreement are collaboration for initiatives to enhance and improve knowledge of the tangible and intangible heritage of the territory and the entire Mediterranean area, promotion of forms of cultural, slow, creative, responsible and sustainable tourism, improve the management and use of the museums and cultural sites involved, also through pilot initiatives.
It is planned to organize together cultural marketing actions, events, exhibitions, seminars, technical training, meetings with civil society, initiatives on Mediterranean intercultural dialogue, exchanges between communities and young people in Mediterranean countries, programs for schools, promotion of cultural and creative enterprises, international projects on shared themes, communication actions, promotional campaigns.

Says Antonio Barone, Director of the Phoenicians’ Route: “This agreement is part of the enhancement strategy that The Phoenicians’ Route is carrying out along the Ancient Via Selinuntina, also through already active European projects. The aim is to contribute to improving the services offered and the appeal of the Belice area from a cultural and tourist point of view. But also to develop new entrepreneurial initiatives especially for young people. For this we have to raise the cultural level of the territory which is paying very much for the lack of specific technical knowledge. We will be alongside the Belicina Museum Network and all the territories that want to grow to make their territory competitive“.

Concludes Giuseppe Maiorana, President of the Belicina Museum and Natural Network: “We are happy to be able to continue, once again, the collaboration with the actors of the territory who, in the same wake of the Network, are involved in enhancing the rich cultural heritage of our Valley. The Collaboration Agreement, signed with La Rotta dei Fenici, therefore allows us to weave new plots and start new paths and synergies with awareness and responsibility, the basis for a virtuous promotion and enjoyment that leads us towards the development of our communities“.