V Forum of Creative Cities and Territories of Spain, Melilla October 26-28, 2017

October 26-28. Melilla (Spain) will host the 5th Edition of the Forum “Creative Cities and Territories of Spain” dedicated to the theme “Culture and Innovation, Creative and Sustainable Tourism Motors“. The city of Melilla is part of the Spanish Network of the Phoenicians’ Route.

The Forum is organized by the Autonomous City of Melilla and the Creative España Association, in collaboration with Innovación en Red and the Master in Creative Economy, City and Innovation – Rey Juan Carlos University.

Friday, October 27, from 16.30 to 18.15 at the Kursaal Theater will be held a round table dedicated to the theme “The tourist routes as a means of dissemination of culture and commerce: the Phoenicians’ Route and the Silk Road”.
Countries involved: Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Palestine.

Moderator: Fadela Mohatar, Councilor for Culture of the Autonomous City of Melilla

The Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
Antonio Barone, Director of the Phoenicians’ Route

Rachid Chamoun, Director of LAU – Louis Cardahi Foundation (Lebanon) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Phoenicians’ Route

Osama Hamdan, President of the Mosaic Center Jericho and coordinator of the Phoenicians’ Route in Palestine

The Silk Road
José Maria Chiquillo, President of the Digital Platform of the UNESCO Silk Road

Annick Thébia-Melsan (France), PHD UNESCO Senior International Consultant



Forum Program

Video presentation of the Forum