Call for Proposals – Routes and Pathways of Tuscany

On the occasion of the 30th Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Advisory Forum to be held in Lucca from 27 to 29 September 2017, the Feisct (European Federation of Historical, Cultural and Touristic Routes), a partner of the Phoenicians’ Route, proposes a call for proposals for photographic exhibitions, shows and exhibitions that give visibility to the Cultural Routes, which cross the Tuscany region.

The event will take place in the “Real Collegio” building in Lucca, where spaces will be available to be used for photographic exhibitions and exhibitions to give visibility to Tuscany’s Paths and Cultural Itineraries, enhancing the cultural, environmental and landscape heritage of the host region.

An important opportunity to increase visibility during this important annual event involving the delegates of the European Cultural Routes recognized by the Council of Europe, to which they will be presented, through these exhibition stands, the Tuscan cultural heritage.

Can submit proposals:

  • Municipalities, Municipal Unions, Parks (regional or national), Local Authorities;
  • Non-profit Associations or Organizations based in Tuscany that carry out activities for the valorisation of the itineraries;
  • each entity may submit only one proposal.

The call relates to the following proposals:

  • Photographic reviews on the Itineraries or Pilgrimage, Landscape and Cultural Routes within the Tuscany Region;
  • Photographic reviews on the National or Transnational Itineraries or Pilgrimage, Landscape and Cultural Routes, whose route crosses the Tuscany region;
  • Installations also in digital format, which enhance the itineraries or the paths, through photographic images or digital reproductions or three-dimensional models;
  • Exhibition of materials and reconstructions concerning the invitation object;
  • The material produced for the exhibition is owned by the proposing subject;
  • The costs for the production of the material are borne by the proposer, while the layout spaces will be provided free of charge and assembly fitting (if they do not require special workers).

Terms and Conditions:

The application must contain a detailed description of the material with the size and number of the proposed pieces.
Are also welcome photographic images accompanying the description.
The associations and private institutions not for profit must also include a brief description of the type of activity they carry out for the promotion of the proposed itinerary.
Proposals must be submitted exclusively via digital: no later than June 30, 2017.
Proposals received within the deadline will be evaluated at the pre-selection by the Scientific Committee of Feisct. The final selection of the works will be an indisputable judgment of the European Forum Executive Board.