SMARTIES for SMEs Project: Capacity Building and Focus Groups in Italy, Greece and Cyprus

Successfully concluded the first two Capacity Building conducted by the experts of the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe and the two focus groups conducted by the experts, Ksenija Keca and Vlasta Klarić, of Libertas International University carried out in Pisa (Italy) on 12/06 at the Chamber of Commerce of North West Tuscany (Lead Partner) and yesterday at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Xanthi (Greece), within the ‘SMARTIES for SMEs – Pills of Sustainable, Smart, Regenerative Tourism to Empower SMEs in the EU Mediterranean area‘ project, co-funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union.

The aim of Capacity Building is to support SMEs in presenting innovative projects to receive the project’s mini-grant, while focus groups are addressed to 10 stakeholders, selected with the support of local partners, in order to collect information and data to produce a compendium on the needs and best practices of tourism SMEs, planned as an output of the project.

Yesterday, in Xanthi the event was also attended by Fotis Vlachos, Permanent Public Officer at Directorate of International Relations and EU, Ministry of Culture & Sports, Republic of Greece, who gave a speech on the topic “The importance of Cultural Routes for Sustainable development”.

We would like to thank Emanuela Panke, External Expert of the Phoenicians’ Route and President of ITER VITIS – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe for her important contribution on the topic ‘Innovative offers and services in the agri-food ecosystem’.

Next event in Pafos (Cyprus) on Monday 17 June. Stay tuned!

For further information, please refer to the official project website

Project Partners:
Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura Toscana Nord Ovest (lead partner), Italy
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Xanthi, Greece
Libertas International University, Croatia
Regional chamber of craft and small business Maribor, Slovenia
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madeira (ACIF-CCIM), Portugal
The Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe, headquartered in Italy
Pafos Regional Board of Tourism, Cyprus
ENIT – Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo, Italy

Total project duration: September 2023 – August 2026