U-Mar Project: National On Site Training, Italy and Portugal

National On Site Training foreseen by the U-MAR project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, was held on 23 June on the island of Madeira (Portugal) and on 11 July on the island of Marettimo (Egadi Islands, Sicily – Italy).
The event in Sicily was organised by the Phoenicians’ Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe in collaboration with the Superintendence of the Sea of the Sicilian Region.
The meeting was participated by the representatives of local bodies (Municipality of Favignana) and Cultural Associations, but also by diving centres and members of Sicilian Archaeological Groups of Italy.
The event in Madeira was organised by the Madeira Chamber of Commerce and Industry ACIF. The event was attended by the representative of local authorities, cultural and tourism stakeholders, diving centres.
The objective of the meetings were to present the international strategic partnership within the U-Mar project (enhancement of cultural heritage, especially underwater heritage), provide useful information and outcomes to local decision makers, to present the innovative training course and exchange views.
The issue of the protection, enhancement and promotion of the underwater heritage is very important for these places. In fact, we recall that, for example, in the waters around the Island of Marettimo, the 25th underwater archaeological itinerary in Sicily, part of the Egadi Islands Underwater Archaeological Park, was inaugurated in 2021.