

The town of Marciana, 375m above sea level, is one of the few towns located in the uplands. Located on the slopes of Mount Capanne, it still retains the architectural conformation typical of a mediaeval town. Rich in history, the town of Marciana offers the visitor a remarkable Cultural Circuit consisting of the Archaeological Museum, the Pisan Fortress, the Numismatic Museum and the Park Authority offices. Managed directly by the municipality of Marciana in collaboration with the Arcipelago Toscano National Park, they allow you to be in sync with the culture, history and natural resources of this pearl of the archipelago.







Numerous events are organised throughout the year to encourage the visitors to discover the place.

At the centre of a network of trails suitable for trekking and mountain biking, Marciana is the starting point to climb – on foot or by cable car – to the 1,019 metres of Mount Capanne: the view over the entire Tuscan Archipelago and towards Corsica is one of those that you will never forget.